brand asset valuator


Website for the company behind the world’s largest empirical study of brands.


Art Direction & Design
BAV is a strategic consulting firm that provides insight into the development of brands with the help of BrandAsset® Valuator, a brand management tool and a global database of consumer perceptions of brands.
BAV needed a new online presence to better communicate their strengths in the crowded world of brand strategy consultancies. I helped create a refreshing website through colorful design and intuitive UI.
The homepage is made up of 3 main blocks: introduction to the company, explanation of the 4 pillars that evaluate "brand strength" and the PowerGrid, which is an interactive infographic for visitors to compare brands.
On the 4 pillars secion, visitors can get an overview of how BAV measures brand strength and easily access in depth information about each pillar.
In the infographic section, visitors can select up to 3 brands to see where each brand stands in the PowerGrid. The data is gathered from the survey that BAV conducts annually with more than 50.000 brands spread over more than 50 countries.
The menu of the website is designed to provide a seamless transition between the pages.
The BrandAsset™ Valuator page starts with a short intro. Scrolling down, visitors can get more information about the 4 different strategic advice fields.
The navigation helps visitors find their way without getting lost in the vast information. Vibrant color palette, typographic hierarchy, use of iconography and motion design make the text-heavy content more inviting and easy to digest.
Neat layout, impactful typography and complementing color palettes are implemented throughout rest of the pages.
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